
The official ASCE Region modifier type is Futura Standard Bold, all uppercase letters. This font should always be used and attention paid that the correct weight has been selected. There are a few guidelines to follow in order to ensure correct size and spacing. The height of the Region type should equal the height of the bottom arm of the E in ASCE and be flush right with the logo. The space between the logo and the modifier should also equal this measurement. When all the Sections of a Region are to be listed, they should be set in Futura Standard Medium, all uppercase and be flush right with the logo. The space between each Section should equal the height of the bottom arm of the E in ASCE.

If the width of the Section listed is wider than the width of the ASCE logo, the Section should appear on two or more lines and be flush right with the logo. The space between these lines should equal half of the height of the bottom arm of the E in ASCE.