Conference Title Block: Vertical

The conference title block should be consistent across print and digital materials.

In the vertical arrangement all of the elements are centered. The appropriate logo should appear first, followed by a horizontal line that is the same width as the logo and the weight is no heavier than 3 points. The space above and below the horizontal line is equal to two letter spaces.

The conference title follows and is set in Futura Standard Heavy, all caps.

The conference location and date follow and are set in Futura Standard Book, upper and lower case and should be at least five point sizes smaller than the conference name. In general, this information should be about the same width or less than the longest line of the conference title.

The location and date is separated by a vertical line that reflects the same weight of a vertical letter form and is a different color than the text. The space on both sides of the vertical line is equal to two letter spaces. In instances where legibility is an issue, this information can appear on two lines.

If the year is included in the title, it does not need to appear a second time. The state name is always spelled out, never abbreviated.

Condensing or expanding the fonts is not recommended.

When space allows, the horizontal title block should be used and can be found here.